For Individuals

GUIDANCE & support

Your guidebook to become better version of Yourself


Build Self-Awareness

Guide them to identify and replace self-limiting thoughts with empowering ones, boosting confidence and resilience


Define Strategic Vision & Goals

Help them bridge the gap between their values and their professional goals, creating a sense of purpose and integrity.


Refine Leadership skills

Develop their strategic thinking and decision-making skills to address challenges, manage risks, and adapt to changing circumstances.


Enable Learner Mindset

Encourage self-reflection, seeking feedback from others, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.

SOAR high in sky

The Success Recipe

Feeling stuck in a loop of unfulfilled dreams and stalled careers? Life and executive coaching can be your bridge to a life that sings. We’ll help you break free from limiting beliefs, unlock your hidden potential, and craft a roadmap to personal and professional success. Imagine mastering communication, conquering challenges with purpose, and leading with confidence. Forget “someday” – let’s make “now” the launchpad for your remarkable journey. Partner with us and watch your aspirations blossom into achievements

From Self doubt to clarity

Self-awareness shines a light on limiting beliefs and hidden potential. By acknowledging these, you can let go of self-doubt and step into a space of empowered possibility. This clarity sets the stage for purposeful action

From Passivity to Purpose

Crafting a compelling vision replaces passivity with a burning desire. Goals give direction and meaning, transforming you from bystanders in you own life to active architects of their future. This sense of purpose fuels the drive to overcome obstacles.

From Fragile to Resilient

Through coaching, you develop actionable strategies and tools. This empowers you to face challenges head-on, building resilience and overcoming the fragility that holds them back. The ability to adapt and overcome becomes a defining feature of your transformed selves.

From Stagnation to Momentum

Accountability and support create a framework for consistent progress. You move from sporadic attempts to sustained momentum, propelled by our guidance and your own commitment. This sustained action leads to tangible results, reinforcing the belief in their own capabilities.

How we make difference in your Life ?

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

Thrishala S A

ASHVA Careers

The workshop which I attended recently it was really helpful and you made it like very interesting with both practical explanations and theoretical where we dint feel bored ,we were in a enthu to Share our thoughts and opinions where we got good ideas/solutions/thoughts for our career growth!! I really appreciate,this workshop was not only useful for beginners it was like though who have served in industry for many years there is one or other things to know/learn in their day to day life where everyone can upskill our knowledge and helps us to grow heights. I would like to attend more workshops!! Thank you so much for being an coach for us !!! We are glad to you !!

Shiv Shakti Kishan

Avanti Fellows

If you are hoping for a session with Shreya where she would give you advice on how to make your life happier, you are mistaken. She would rather educate you on how to take control of your life and evolve as a person in order to achieve endless happiness. I learned the importance of setting goals, achieving them, and celebrating them under her leadership.
I was fortunate in that I was able to readily obtain her time for coaching sessions because she is also my elder cousin sister. She assisted me in navigating between all of the hurdles and focusing on my objective during my difficult moments. Her goal-setting strategies are actually life-changing; you begin to love yourself, believe in yourself more, and have greater self-assurance.
i can’t thank enough Shreya Shivangi for being my sister, mentor, and life coach.
In fact, I’ve realized that music, learning, getting out and meeting new people, and reconnecting with old friends are all things that bring me joy. She has also aided me in strengthening my ties with my family. I was at a crossroads in my life, and I thank God for bringing her into my life just in time.
I’ve gotten a lot more out of her life counseling than I anticipated. This is only the beginning of the new transformed me. She is just amazing.

Tripti Singh

SHS Holdings

As a life and career coach, Shreya has helped me set a vision for my career without limiting myself to imagining things that I might have considered impossible to achieve. Her approach to transformation is customised for every individual based on the traits and values the person thinks highly of. Throughout the sessions, she helped me realise the importance of gratitude and positiveness which made the strategic career road map look more realistic and achievable. After working in the manufacturing sector for nearly a decade, I’m now moving to the world of consulting and this was where I wanted to go. I’m really grateful for Shreya’s guidance on following a structured approach to finding the gaps in my career path and helping me to find ways of mitigating those gaps effectively. It wouldn’t have been possible without Shreya’s efforts that teach me to be humble and positive while being assertive and focussed throughout. I would recommend Shreya’s name without any hesitation for anyone’s professional or personal development.

Unveiling Your Best Self

Imagine standing on a mountain peak, not just reaching the summit, but truly seeing the vast panorama unfold before you. That’s the power of mindfulness in your coaching journey – it grants you a clear perspective on your inner landscape, guiding your steps towards becoming the best version of yourself.

Think of your mind like a bustling marketplace. Thoughts, emotions, and sensations jostle for attention, often pulling you in different directions. Mindfulness is like stepping into the quiet corner of that marketplace, observing the ebb and flow without judgment. You become aware of your autopilot patterns, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs that hold you back. This awareness is the first step to releasing those patterns and making conscious choices aligned with your true potential.

My coaching program incorporates mindfulness practices that weave seamlessly into your everyday life, empowering you to:

  • Deepen your connections with others and build stronger, more fulfilling relationships.
  • Develop a healthier relationship with your body and mind, promoting overall well-being.
  • Unleash your inner artist and unlock new levels of creativity, allowing you to express yourself authentically and bring your unique gifts to the world.
  • Manage stress, improve decision-making, and enhance your focus and productivity, propelling you towards career success.

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A few things we’re great at

We want to inspire you to embark on a transformational journey within yourself, to unleash the aspirations you were meant to achieve

Elite Pinnacle Coaching

  1. Mastering Emotional Intelligence
  2. Single Session Rapid Breakthroughs
  3. High Impact Women Leadership
  4. Breakthrough Inclusive Leadership

Transformational Performance Coaching

  1. Mindful Resilience
  2. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Intelligence
  3. Mindful Listening
  4. Unlock Emotional Intelligence

Keynote Speaker

  1. Workspace Mindfulness
  2. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)
  3. Women in Tech
  4. Career Accelerator

Action begets action

There are no failures – just experiences and your reactions to them

A thriving workforce is the foundation of any thriving enterprise. By working closely with them, we empower them to become the architects of their own – and their company’s – success.

spark the intrinsic flame

We help them uncover their personal values and how they connect to the company’s mission. This fuels intrinsic motivation and drives engagement beyond just meeting targets.

Polish the art of communication

We guide them to express their ideas confidently, advocating for themselves and their teams effectively. We equip them to truly hear and understand colleagues, building trust and fostering collaboration.

Build resilience & agility

We help develop coping mechanisms and emotional intelligence to navigate demanding situations with equanimity.

Nurture leadership

We encourage them to take responsibility, think critically, and propose solutions, not just follow instructions.


If I am short on time, can working with Life coach be of help ?

We offers Single Session Rapid Breakthroughs program, which provides a flexible alternative for those seeking transformative growth within a condensed time frame.

In multiple appraisals, I have been told to improve my leadership skills. Can a life coach help me ?

Leadership or for that atter any skills can be learned with sincerity, dedication & passion. As Life coaches, we works very closely with individual to understand their unique strength and areas of improvement and then develop a unique program which helps individual unlearn and come out of their past limitations to achieve their true potential

Your past can not limit your today!

I do not want to be part of the Corporate rat race., but want to known for the endeavors I am pursuing. How can a Life coach help me here ?

Life is not a sprint, but a marathon and I am glad that you have clarity on which path you do not intend to track.

A Life coach can surely benefit you by deeply connecting with your internal motivations & helping your chart your destiny.